Thursday, August 28, 2008

Despite having nothing to do during these last two weeks before I leave for abroad, I have been up late every night wasting time in front of the computer instead of going to sleep early to wake up refreshed for babysitting.
One such activity I've been amusing myself with is picking out a name for this stupid blog.

Obviously I'm not the first person to create a blog for going abroad, so naming it something like "Kristin's Abroad Blog" (dot blogspot dot com) would not do.

And I'm not the first person to go to Italy, so using some Italian would not do either (although I toyed with the idea of using a curse word or vulgar phrase, but then realized that I would probably be sending this site to former or present employers, and I wouldn't want them to think badly of me).

BUT APPARENTLY I am the first person in the history of the universe to use repetition, so I deemed that acceptable! Don't judge.

Other possible names included:
1. abroadabroad (not only for the repetition, but for having a double meaning hidden there. I really wanted to do abroadbroadabroad but I'm not really broad and I don't like being called a broad so that was like 2 strikes right there. Plus I think abroadabroad was taken and I didn't feel like looking up the second one) (click here for fun with words!)
2. Parma and Greg (but I never watched the show so ... dumb)
3. The Parma Initiative (but then people who actually watched LOST would think I was a tool and those who didn't would have no idea why it was named that)

It's gross writing in an online journal/bloggy thing again. I'll try to make it painless as possible for everyone involved.
What will these young'ns think up next? Hoo-ee!

Oh, also Susan was telling me about in this episode of "Arrested Development," there is a guy named Bob Loblaw who is in law and has a blog which is named "The Bob Loblaw Law Blog" which I really wanted to name this, but, wouldn't you know it, someone out there had already taken it. However, when I just typed in the URL, the person hasn't even posted anything. I hate him.