Friday, December 5, 2008

I had developed the unsettling habit of talking to myself while riding my bike, so I guess that fact that I LOST MY VOICE is good news. I don't remember the last time I lost my voice. Good times. Hopefully it comes back before my presentation of my soc paper on Thursday.

EXAMS ARE HURR and it is dumb. There is a lot to be studied but I am not too worried about them for the most part.

My parents leave today for Italy! They will be spending a week traveling and then a week con MOI and then we fly home! YIKES.

This weekend our BC program is going to the ALPS in Aosta for a lovely little trip. I will let you know how that goes. OH MAN. I just realized I won't be able to yodel without a voice. ALAS.

Have a lovely weekend, don't be stressed about finals if you have finals, and get excited! 20 days until Christmas!


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