Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Hahahaha I just read my entry before I went to Switzerland and the entry after I got back and I AM SO PREDICTABLE! I used the same joke for the weekend and then the same word to describe the people going. I guess that means I also have a short term memory, because both times I thought I was being very clever. ALAS.

I got a package from Daniel yesterday! Now I can clean my apartment with Lysol wipes, chew gum that I did not pay 9 dollars for, and listen to excellent music! DAN IS THE BEST! <3

ALSO I got a Halloween card from the gparents today! The mailman must think I am super popular. THANKS GMA AND PAPA B! :)

It is raining here. I think Italy is pretending it is England for the week, which is not cool. There is a river that runs in the middle of Parma that is always always dry. It is simply a ditch with bridges over it. HOWEVER, lately there is a HUGE AMOUNT OF WATER IN IT, which confuses everyone. No one told me to bring my rainboots. I have to ride the bus, not my bike. I hope these short sentences adequately convey my discomfort.

I didn't have too much to update on, since I did I think yesterday. Or the day before.
OH AT ANNA'S FOR COOKING LESSONS, we made tiramisu which I never liked but it was really really good. She also made pesto (homemade) pasta, and chicken with peppers. It was the bestttt.

That's all for real! Hope everyone is doing well!


1 comment:

Carrie White said...

Um, it has only rained maybe 3 times since I've been here, so BAM.