Sunday, November 2, 2008

Oh hai!

I just got back from Svizzera! Lucerne, Switzerland is a lovely little place to go to, let me tell you. I will now tell you.

We took a train there, which took about 6 hours, which was less of a hassle than flying and a jolly good idea, because the sights that we saw as we rode through Switzerland were GORGEOUS. We were completely surrounded by the Alps, and little mountain towns covered in SNOW. We were so excited to see snow, and felt very Christmassy all weekend, even though we got there on Halloween. The night we got in we found our hostel and went to eat. That took awhile to accomplish because APPARENTLY there are no restaraunts open in Lucerne. EVER.

BUT we had German sausages and they were delish. Lucerne is a German speaking part of Switzerland, if you didn't know. Juanes would have loooved it. Also he would have loved the train ride over because we spent the 4 hours in Switz talking to a German student. Pretty great!

Saturday we did a lot. We took a bus up to this Gutsch forest and walked around in the snow. It was COLD so we walked back down to the town and got some hot chocolate at a place named Heini. Tee hee. DEELISH as well! There are some really beautiful bridges that have these painted panels on the is the bridge to Hell and depicts all these death scenes, and the other is the bridge to Heaven and has prettier paintings. Also we took a picture in front of the largest Jesuit church in an attempt to get on webmail. Haha.
We also saw this giant lion carved into a mountain which was a gift from France, and we took a picture with a man playing a mountain horn.

We had cheese fondue which was AWESOME and got swiss chocolate. ALSO I bought a Swiss Army knife but it is in the shape of a credit card and has 13 functions! It is so cool!

Basically it was a very chill weekend (literally) of seeing a beautiful little Swiss town and being with a solid group of people. VERY AWESOME.

Time to watch the Office! YAY

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