Thursday, November 13, 2008

I am a chilly little monkey. Tell this rain to go away!

Also, I am a tad frustrated. It is my goal to get an internship to count for class credit for next semester, and so all week I have been calling places. It is very hard, though, being 6 hours ahead of Boston, and using information that is out of date is bad too. Also having no number at that the people can return your call is no good. I don't think this will end well for me.

HOWEVER, I do believe I will win the INGENUITY AWARD after this weekend! Steph and I both realized that neither one of us has travel-sized toiletries (I always share with Erin, she always goes to hotels) and that this weekend we would need to bring our own! OH NO. Where does one buy such a rarity in Italy? NO ONE KNOWS. We looked in some pharmacies but then decided our best bet was to go to Esselunga, a giant grocery store that we'd never been to. Well, we went.

They had exciting items which we had never seen in Italy! Hot sauce! Peanut butter! Individual jellies (just what I needed!)! Lots of kinds of cookies! CHAI TEA!
We were so stoked and feeling good until we got to the cosmetics-and-the-like aisle.
No. travel-sized. to. be. found.

So! I bought two bebe jars of baby food (mixed fruit) and washed them, and have since put my shampoo and conditioner in them! I am assuming they will be confiscated by airport security, but WHO KNOWS! MAYBE I AM A GENIUS!
You may be wondering about my shower gel. How will I transport that?
No fears, friends, Steph and I also bought KINDER EGGS in which resided a TOY encased in a PLASTIC EGG-like thing!
Shower gel situated!

So, while I may have no future, this weekend at least is bright and shiny and CLEAN.

Also, I did taste the baby food. Not too shabby, but I would never eat a whole jar. Sorry, Johnny, I now feel your pain.
Ew also, side note: babies here eat things like HORSE and RABBIT. Sick.

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