Friday, September 19, 2008

Ciao ciao!

So although I did not get gelato last night, we did play a card game very similar to Phase 10 (get excited Heinzes) and I lost terribly but it did bolster my spirits.

This morning we left mad early to go to Pisa, which would have been splendid if it had not been raining like a monkey. The bus ride there was nice because we all got to sleep, and once we went into buildings it was okay because we could take notes without fear of our previous work being washed away. Outside was pretty miserable though, and kind of chilly.

Something funny though, when we were in the cathedral at Pisa, there was an orchestra of sorts getting ready for and playing a few songs -- much like the Benet band did when we went to Rome. The thing is, being on the other side of it, I didn't realize how ANNOYING we must have been to tour groups and classes and people who wanted to learn about the churches that we played in. It was so hard to hear Rocci, and with the exception of the people who knew the people who were playing, I'm sure we weren't the only ones put out. Interesting perspective.

Here is my mandatory picture of me pushing down the tower with my incredible strength (and umbrella):

What a clever beast.

Anyway, the majority of our group went to either Lucca or Rome this weekend -- there are five of us in the hotel right now. Tomorrow we're taking a bus to Greve, for WINE TASTING and walking around vineyards, and Sunday we're taking a day trip to more closeby towns to check things out there. Should be good. Hopefully the weather gets a little nicer.

That's all I got, peace love and vino!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love you! You are always a clever beast. Hope you helped picked up the pieces after you broke the tower. Have a great weekend!

Love, Sus