Sunday, September 14, 2008

This morning we ventured away from the Duomo/downtown area and found this park in which to read our assignments for the rest of the week. There was no one there, and it was so quiet. It was a completely different atmosphere than we’ve been seeing in Florence thus far. It was all drizzly and there was an occasional clap of thunder so we sat under a loggia in the middle of the park by some fountains. It was extremely pleasant – after we read we just sat and chilled and listened to our music for a bit before we got cold and went back. It was a good thing we went out at all – as there were no planned activities for the day a lot of people just stayed in their rooms all day.

Today was Sunday, which is the Lord’s Day, and although we are in a city chock-full of churches, we didn’t know how many would be in English. Sarah found this service that was in English so we decided to check it out. It started at 6, and thinking on American time, we rushed through the city to get there. It obviously did not start until 10 after. The service itself wasn’t really a specific format – we sang four worship songs and then this Italian couple spoke. They gave up their jobs 5 years ago because they wanted to give back to the Firenze community, and so they started this center to connect Italians and Americans who are in the country for a brief period of time. They have Italian lessons and the opportunity to meet other Italian youth. It was very interesting, but we didn’t stay long enough to find out where it was.

Dinner at the hotel is served at 7:15, and we peaced out when the clock hit 7. We were about 30 minutes from our hotel if we walked which was a problem. We were looking for the bus that we could take but Sundays are dumb with that sort of thing so we couldn’t find one. Luckily, someone remembered that the bus we took to Fiesole goes right by our hotel so we hopped on that and jumped off at our hotel. We ate like nobody’s business.

I really missed 10:15 mass when I was at that service. I wasn’t really getting anything out of it and I kind of ached for some organization and tradition. Also we didn’t receive the Eucharist. I think I’d feel more comfortable next week going to a Catholic service in Italian – I’ll still have the basic understanding of what’s going on. Who knows. I think we’re going to a soccer game next Sunday, and that’s practically a religion here anyway.

OH AND I saw a poster for the Notwist, who are playing here on the 29th (I think my final is on that day so I won’t be going). I was surprised to see that until I realized they aren’t an American band. We have seen a bunch of posters for Burt Bacharach though, soooo I’m definitely putting that on my list of things to do.

Things I miss:
-desserts with dinner
-good bread
-maybe people, but right now food is topping my list – my tummy is still grumbly
-my green gym shoes that certain people think look like they’re falling apart. I’m so dumb, they’d be almost fashionable here, and more comfortable than some of my flats. Alas alas.
-more internet. It’s so dumb not being able to even check email daily, which sounds stupid but hey. I’m waiting on some emails from Caterina and the head of the Soc department and my parents and I can’t go on to see if they’re there because everyone and their mom is trying to access the wireless right now. Things will be better in Parma.

OKAY I WILL LEAVE YOU WITH THIS QUOTE from a sketch Italian man on the bus from Fiesole the other day.

“You are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute. You are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo nice.” It totally worked. Sarah melted like butter.
Hahahahah. Creepy.


Unknown said...

KREESTEEN! This is John. I love reading how you're doing, and It's good to hear you're having at least a little fun. Also: THE NOTWIST. YES.
Anywho, Much Love, Have fun, GET SOME INTERNETS.

Anonymous said...

You will be missing cookies for a long time.

They have good bread! But they have SAD Bread. Honest to goodness, it's the sadest bread you will ever eat. It looks like a delicious roll but WHABAM - nothing on the inside. And EVERYONE knows the insides of bread is the best part. I hope you do not run into this bakery item very often.