Thursday, October 2, 2008

Here are some pictures of my apartment! Try to count how much is from IKEA :]

This is my bed and the pictures I put up 10 minutes ago. My bed isn't made, and you can see the change of sheets and note that Nice left for me this morning. Also you can see one of the 9 million stuffed animals at the foot of the bed that was in my room. I like the crocodile so I keep him there.

Here's my bebe kitchen! I make tea on the stove and have cereal for breakfast. If you zoom in, you can see the Batman toy I got in the cereal box above the stove by the dishes.

Here's my BATHROOM! You can see the shower in the mirror kind of -- I had a picture of how tiny it was but I thought it was boring. Pictures of toilets obviously make for better posts.

Here's the other side of my bedroom area. The stuffed mouse that Nice gave me is on the shelf above the drying rack, which is holding the majority of my laundry that I did last night. It's not all dry yet. Usually I put my laptop on the desk where I can look out past the stuffed animals onto a really cute lane that leads to a park. It's a little messy, but I'm still getting situated. There is a polka-dot rug on the floor that I wish you could see.

Dinner last night was good! The girl that is living here for the year is in a single as well, so Nice had her eat with us. She kept bringing food to the other BC students in the next room, who had just attempted to make gnocchi (and didn't do too well on their first attempt).
Nice also invited me to travel with her to Torino this weekend! I'm pretty excited; she is such a character.
Also, last night we booked a flight to Lisbon! Hooray for Portugal!

We had a language proficiency test today and tonight we have our first Italian class. Blehh. I love walking around Parma though. I am the only one in Nice's apartment who is in the advanced track, and I had to be in the main piazza this morning earlier than they did. Walking there this morning it actually hit me that I'm in Italy and I'll be walking along these streets everyday. That soon I'll have a bike and get to wherever I'll need to go. That I'll be able to read in the giardino and navigate around the city to get to the different areas where my classes are and where my friends are living. That already I'm a part of la dolce vita that exists here.
It was a good feeling.

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