Monday, November 10, 2008

La la la here is the obligatory after-weekend update.

Whoa. First time since arriving.
But it was lovely!

Saturday I took my bike and went around town for an hour and a half. I have been down some of the streets 19 million times so I went down a bunch of streets I had never been to. I knew I couldn't get lost because Parma is the size of my big toe. And basically after that hour and a half, I had seen all there is to see in Parma. GOOD TIMES.
No, it was actually really adorable and peaceful to do this. Venturing off the main road I was able to see how Italians really live, and the streets were so QUIET. It was a lovely way to spend a sunny day, just me thinking and cruising.

I also worked on my presentation for my Cultural Diversity class -- which I have to present in an hour. I am a little nervous because I don't know how well I related my chapter to the material, but this class is pretty laid-back and my professor is always nervous in front of us (he is a very sweet man but very quiet) so I think it should go okay.

What else of note. Nate and I made cookies yesterday, which turned out pretty good despite the fact that we had no real sugar so we took all the sugar packets from everyone in the Villa and just used those. We ALMOST had enough sugar for each batch (but not quite). Also I watched The Shining this weekend. Why, I do not know. After watching it I had to bike home alone. No good.

TODAY I rode to Soc and discovered that my front tire is flat! ALAS! Even more ALAS because there is a BUS STRIKE today, which means that I have no idea how I will get to cooking lessons tonight! OH CRAP. Actually, life is more OH CRAP for Steph because she is stuck in Milan. She was coming back from Paris and was planning on taking a 5am train home but guess what? There is a TRAIN STRIKE too, which may last until tonight! Poverina.

In other news, I really need to start working on my paper that is due in a month. WHY, KRISTIN? That sounds crazy and over-achievery! No, guys, it is a TEN PAGE PAPER IN ITALIAN ABOUT SOCIOLOGY. Oh. In that case, WHY HAVEN'T YOU STARTED IT SOONER? Good question.

Apparently Italy has taught me to talk to myself! Well done.

I hope life is great! Fam, I hope you had an amazing time in Quincy.
Hooray for BC for beating ND!



Unknown said...

It would have been better if I had been able to get my skype to work. Can't wait to see you for Christmas! I'm glad you had a lovely, relaxing weekend. I love you!! -Sus

Anonymous said...

Remember when we taste tested all the sugar packets to see which one was really the best? Rugs really loved when we did that. Sugar in the Raw wil always be the best.
Don't you love European Strikes? The government was overthrown when I was there. A for Awesome!!