Wednesday, October 15, 2008

1. Yesterday I decided my bicicletta was the one the woman who turns into the Wicked Witch of the West in the Wizard of Oz ride, and I started humming her little theme song to myself.

2. I am getting so good at nodding -- I think Italians have like a special magnetic power that when they speak really fast they nod at you and you nod with them, making it seem like you know what they're talking about but really you just can't tear yourself away from their magical nodding powers.

3. I got a babysitting job! Twice a week for a couple hours for two boys, ages 9 and 21 months. I'm so stoked (and thanks to Dianne for talking to a random Italian woman...sorry I didn't tell you I put you down as a reference...) and getting paid in euro is a bonus as well.

4. My soc class was cancelled for tomorrow! Meaning I don't have an 8:15am class but instead a 12:45 class to start my day! HOORAY!

5. I got two! COUNT THEM TWO! prizes in my cereal box yesterday! KUNG FU PANDA!

6. My Dell disc still hasn't come and I think I will live the rest of my life on other people's computers. Forever!

7. I forgot to say that there was an old man in the Portugal airport wearing a BC hat. When Erin told him we went to BC too, he said "fair enough!" Hahahha.

8. Nice's birthday is in two days! Also I showed her how to use Facebook yesterday. She is so cutting-edge.

9. Gelato keeps getting better and better. I feel bad for when I go home because my old love, ice cream, is going to feel all jealous and stuff, because in my head I'll keep comparing it to gelato. Sigh.

10. I'm going to mass in like 45 minutes for the first time in a long time. It's been really hard to find mass times and when I don't have that darn Salt and Light meddling in my faith life, I don't remember to go. I'm very excited, though, I've been looking forward to it all day.


Unknown said...

1. I also start humming things to myself when other people don't understand why. It must be genetic.

3. Hooray for babies! and money!

5. I love Kung Fu Panda! Lucky you for getting two prizes!

7. I really just like the odd numbers.

9. My new love is custard which is probably in the same family as ice cream and gelato, but definitely the fattest member of that family.

11. I love you! Have a great day mi hermana!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on getting a job--very impressive. Is your Italian as good as a 9 year old? (He probably has English in school)...
Do they have computer labs at the University you can use? Do you spend much time on campus?

How was your risotto and what is zucco?